Identity, website & online media
Graphic Design
UX and Front-end
Online marketing
Content creation
MuziekSalon Spronk
October 2017
Every month MuziekSalon Spronk organises musical storytelling events in and around the city of Breda. Working together with musicians, composers and conductors, they create comprehensive musical stories diving into the world of classical music. The stories are supported by inspiring imagery and live music performance.
Goal at MuziekSalon Spronk is to spread the enthusiasm about classical music amongst a broader and younger audience. In order to improve awareness and increase visitor count, I advised to refine and streamline the visual identity, to improve their online presence and to strongly focus on content creation.
I did a redesign of the logo, typography, and graphics. Also, I created a range of giftcards, subscription cards and consumption coupons to create a more consistent customer experience.
Before, details about the events could only to be found through posters, flyers or third party event websites. Yet, these channels were never able to fully capture the ambience and quality of the events.
Meanwhile, the organisation had been regularly taking pictures, making audio recordings and sometimes even making videos of the events. Inspiring media, rarely being used!
I created a website to become the main platform to turn to for details, inspiration, updates, reservations, campaigns and multimedia content from previous events.
The website should inspire and persuade new visitors as well as being useful and attractive for regular visitors, providing more multimedia content to view, listen to and learn from.
Visit websiteIn 2017, the yearly season opening event was combined with a spectacular launch of the new website. I created the opening poster and prepared a keynote presenting the countdown, launch and an introduction demo of the website.
Right now there is a fairly steady "fan base" that visits the events regularly. These regular visitors receive updates by e-mail every month. The rest of Breda is being targetted with posters and flyers. With the website in place as a steady base had been created.
Research amongst regular visitors, which I facilitated at the end of the 2016/2017 season, showed that word-of-mouth was the most common channel to gain new visitors. Secondly, regular e-mails proved to be the most effective channel to remind visitors of attending upcoming events. So, optimizing mailings that don't end up people's spamboxes is key.
To reach a new audience and create more traffic to the new website we experimented with various campaigns through Facebook and Google's Display Network. Specifically, targeting on location (Breda region), age (35 - 65+) and interest (Classical music, Culture, Literature).
(...) Matthijs is een bescheiden persoon, echter met duidelijke ideeën, die hij op een heel plezierige manier communiceert. Hoewel hij zelf niets heeft met klassieke muziek, weet hij heel goed de wensen te vertalen in prachtig vakwerk waarbij hij enthousiast en ter zake kundig meedenkt. Ook het tijdpad werd onder zijn leiding een prettig strak roulerend systeem, dat zeer gebruiksvriendelijk werkt. (...)
Jetje van Wijk
Artistic and executive director at MuziekSalon Spronk
There is more than meets the eye. Interested in knowing more about this project? Drop me a message.